Audirvāna Origin
Back to basics. Our subscription-free solution dedicated solely to your local library.
You want to use Audirvāna without streaming nor subscription?
Audirvāna Origin offers you all the features of the original version of Audirvāna to manage and play your local music library and more.
Audirvāna Origin is available as a one-time purchase at the price of .
Enjoy all the features of Audirvāna Origin to listen to your local music in the best way possible.
License Origin
One time purchase
- Full access to Audirvāna Origin's features
- No library size limitation
- Two years min. OS compatibility updates
- At least one feature yearly updates until 2027
- Multiple installs (non-simultaneous use)
- Free smartphone Remote app
Upgrade Origin
For 1st generation licenses*
- Linux / NAS compatiblity
- 2 years OS compatiblity updates extension
- Two years min. OS compatibility updates
- Features updates extension until 2027